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Carnegie Mellon University

COVID-19 Updates

Information and resources for the CMU community

Scotty with mask and vaccination bandaid
May 27, 2021

Action Required: COVID-19 Vaccine Data Collection

Dear Members of the Carnegie Mellon University Community:

As we move into the summer, the university is evaluating its current mitigation protocols, including whether some of them may be relaxed in the weeks ahead in anticipation of the fall semester. We write today to request your assistance with informing our decision-making by participating in our COVID-19 Vaccine Data Collection effort. Your participation will enable us to better understand the level of vaccination within our campus community, and this knowledge is critical to our planning. 

Please provide your vaccine information via the link provided in the email you received the morning of May 27, 2021. If you did not receive the email, please contact

All faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to respond to this request for information as soon as possible to help inform our continued planning. The link above is unique to your email address, so please do not forward. The information you provide regarding your COVID-19 vaccination status is confidential and only authorized CMU personnel will have access to the information. In addition, your information is subject to the university's COVID-19 Vaccination Data Collection Privacy Notice (PDF). This data will be purged once the uses for which it is being collected are fulfilled.

This request is a continuation of our efforts earlier this spring when CMU collected vaccine adoption data from our community to help guide our planning for spring vaccination clinics. Given that it has been some time since the last such effort, and that eligibility and access for the vaccine is now greatly expanded to include all members of our community, we are seeking to refresh our data.

We will announce updates to mitigation protocols, including our policies regarding vaccine requirements, in the coming weeks, along with our formal vaccine registry process. Thank you in advance for your time, efforts and participation.


Gina Casalegno
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Daryl Weinert
Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
CMU COVID Coordinator